Joy Catering "Where Miracles Still Happen in the Kitchen"
John 2:1-1

Joyce Munga was born in Nairobi Kenya, East Africa. Raised by her father Professor G.A. Munga and mother, Margaret Munga. Her mother now retired worked for a prominent Kenyan Minister at Ministry of Lands and settlement as a Secretary., while Dad, was a, Civil Engineer, Architect, Lecturer at both the Kenya Polytechnic, and University of Nairobi. She has three other siblings , Michael and Phillip both Engineers and Roy an Accountant. Growing up, she spent an inordinate amount of her youth nosing through books and architectural structures and drawings, frequently hanging around Dad. Back then Artichectral Engineering was still very manual, drawings were done on boards, compared to the now improved computerized auto card technology. Loved hanging around Mam and her sisters, there was always food , and stories that lasted the whole night, little did I Know that some of there cooking skills had also rubbed off on me.
She attended Agakhan Academy high school back in Nairobi Kenya, after which she got accepted into a college in the U.S for further studies, In the U.S. she attended Ramapo College in Mahwah NJ. She was a member of the Microeconomics Club, and even tutored for a while in both Macro and Microeconomics,with a GPA OF 4.0. She thereafter transferred to Rutgers University at New Brunswick NJ .
She has worked and consulted in various fortune 500 companies, mostly pharmaceuticals, and Financial corporations, like Pfizer in NY, Johnson and Johnson in New Brunswick, Bloommberg Financial in Princeton, Homedica Osteonics(Stryker), NorvoNordisk. Financial Corporations such as Bank Of America, and Chase Manhattan in NY. Bloomberg Financial in Princeton.
Although she landed good jobs through God’s grace, she was never really happy and felt like something was missing, she would soon discover that all this was a stepping stones for what God had really destined her for.
With additions and expansion of her family she would soon discover how challenging it was to juggle her career and family. So she took a step of faith and backed out of the corporate world to devote her time in raising her kids.
It was not until this happened , that she discovered Gods will for her life. In 2011 she felt led by the Holy Spirit to start an orphanage back in Kenya. Children Hope Center She didn’t know however that she would actually have to undergo a painful training process, God’s way, before this actually manifested, and my a painful training process she underwent, which eventually result to the publishing of her very first book “Spiritual Warfare”. In 2017, God strategically had a planned project for her that would result into the birth of Joy Catering, Picking up one of her Families long manufactured product, home made peanut butter by her Mam Margaret Munga, that started in a small kitchen back in Nairobi,Kenya.
She would use part of the proceeds ,of Joy Catering to benefit the community she lived in Monmouth County and different projects that GOD had put into her heart To learn more about our projects, log into our websites below